Shadakshari mantra
Shadakshari mantra

shadakshari mantra

vallI and devasenA with their six yoginI shakti-s. The eighteen weapons of kArtikeya are first offered oblations with their respective mantras, and Ahutis are offered to icchA shakti & jnAna shakti i.e. This forms the prologue and is followed by the shatrusamhAra trishatI homa. KArtikeya homa, detailed in guhArchanachandrikA involves a basic homa with the vimshatyakshara kArtikeya mantra, followed by a dashamsha Ahuti of the well-known ShaDakSharI. This is followed by shaDAvaraNa pUja of the great brahmaNya and homa with the aShTAdashAkSharI mantra of the nirguNa swarUpa, followed by dashAmsha Ahutis to anga mantras including the mahAvAkyas. After performing the shaDAvaraNa pUja of subrahmaNya, homa is performed first with subrahmanya shaDakSharI mantra and then with subrahmaNya panchadashAkSharI mantra. The basic homa of subrahmanya, practiced by shrIvidyA upAsakas is based on vasistha samhitA and involves the worship of subrahmaNya in two forms: saguNa and nirguNa.

Shadakshari mantra